
September 10, 2013

Freezing Berries Tutorial

Did you miss out on freezing berries?  You're in luck! We still have some!!
Check out this tutorial on the best way to freeze berries...

Freezing Berries on cookie sheets

*this process works well with all types of berries, not just the blueberries pictured here.

I love freezing berries this way, blueberries especially because they keep their shape a little better and it's easy to take a handful (or two) out of a large bag for a quick snack.

First you will want to buy your berries from Unger Farms... of course. :) 

You will need: berries, cookie sheet(s), paper towels, Ziploc freezer bag(s) and a colander.

Once you get these wonderful gems home, wash and sort out the leaves/stems/and heaven forbid bad berries.

If freezing strawberries whole, at this point you will want to take off the stems (or maybe not, I personally love blending strawberries, stems n' all, in smoothies).

Place berries on paper towels to air dry.  Dry for about 15 minutes or pat dry if freezing firm berries, soft ones will squish if you pat them.

Once dried they can be transferred onto a cookie sheet. Whatever size cookie sheet fits in your freezer will work.

Place in the freezer and freeze for 1-2 hours or until firm and frozen.

Once frozen, take berries out of the freezer and throw into a Ziploc Freezer Bag.  You can do quart size for smaller portions or gallon size for bulk... the possibilities are endless...

Quick Tip:  If you put them in the bag 1-2 layers thick and place them into the freezer on their side for about 1 hour, they will hold their form and will be super easy to stack upright and store! Space Saver!

I hope you enjoy... and remember, Unger Farms still has Strawberries, Blueberries and Raspberries.  You can find us at 15 different farmers' markets in the Portland Area as well as in Cornelius, Or at our Farm Store.  Check out our website for more info.

Ungers' Farm Store
34880 SW Johnson School Rd.
Cornelius, Or 97113
Tuesday - Saturday 9:00-6:00
Sunday 11:00-4:00

Buy Local!


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