January 21, 2014

What is a CSA?

Each year we add something new, or multiple new things.  Whether it be a new process to make things smoother for our customers, a new variety of berry, a new event, new displays at the farmers markets, we are always growing and adding.  This year we're adding a Vegetable CSA and we couldn't be more excited about it! 

The concept of a CSA isn't too new to us.  We have been doing our "Berry Box" for the past 3 seasons. An altered version of a CSA where you pay upfront for so many weeks and you receive a half flat of berries each week! It's a wonderful program and you can pick up your Berry Box at the Farm Store or at one of the many Farmers Markets we attend.  

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture where members of the community pay an upfront cost for a certain amount of 'shares' they will receive throughout the summer.  The upfront cost gives you delicious local goodies every week for a certain amount of weeks and in return that cost helps the farmer with the purchasing of seeds, planting and harvesting.  Some farms will let you come out and work the fields with the farmers to really get a feel for where your food is coming from.  I think that is wonderful!  While we won't be offering that with our package you can still visit the farm each week to pick up your share. 

As I'm sitting here figuring out and writing up all the details about our CSA, I'm thinking about how cool a CSA really is. If you think about it, where else can you get all of your local vegetables in one location and one easy stop??? Farmers' Markets are awesome, don't get me wrong they are actually one of my most favorite things ever, but if you have a phobia of large crowds of people like I do it can be overwhelming!  Imagine this: drive out to the Farm Store, park, let someone know you're there to grab your share, load up, and you're on your way. We will even carry it to your car for you! No lines to wait in, no parking to circle the market to find, no rush of people to throw elbows through... just an easy trip to the farm.  The bonus! It's already paid for! You don't even need to remember cash! Goodness.... why haven't we done this sooner!? Heck, why haven't I, as a consumer, done this!? 

Very soon you will be able to read up on the CSA at Unger Farms and you will be able to purchase your own share!  Now that we have most the policy written and information squared away we are closer to letting everyone in on the juicy details.  
Here's a little sneak peak: it's not just vegetables! Your share will also include, berries, flowers, herbs, and local packaged goods like jam/raw honey/bread mixes/scone mixes and more! 

It's going to be an exciting addition to the farm! 

Stay tuned for more information and please let me know if you have any questions! 


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