
February 27, 2014

Local Love: Tri-County Farms

This is a little more broad for the Local Love Thursday I will be doing but it is an incredibly important organization to talk about and I feel this is perfect for the first post of many highlighting my favorite places in Oregon.

Tri-County Farms is a Non-Profit Organization that puts out a guide of farms in the Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties that have u-pick or that sell directly from their farm.  If you haven't yet utilized this guide you should check it out HERE.

February 24, 2014

Berry Box Gift Cards

Remember the Berry Box Program I talked about a while ago? Check it out HERE if you missed it!  We have had a few requests from customers wanting to purchase the Berry Box program for a friend, but they don't know where they'd be able to pick it up, if they could eat that many berries, and whats most convenient for them... so we have come up with a solution that will hopefully solve all those problems!