
May 26, 2014

Opening Weekend!!!

Unger's Farm Store is officially open for the season!!! I couldn't be more excited and anxious about this! Excited because it's just so much fun and I love our return customers like crazy, and anxious because I can't wait to meet all the new faces that will discover our Farm Store. Many of us have put in so much work and effort to make this place run smooth, look beautiful, and be the place that people just can't wait to come back to, so to see the 'fruits of our labor' (haha true on many points when it comes to us) through our customers' excitement is just the best thing we could ask for.

Thankfully the rain held off on Saturday and it was a wonderfully successful day. Of course every opening day comes with a few hiccups but we all worked together to figure out how to conquer those hiccups!!!  We had the fortunate luck, thank you Mother Nature, of featuring Albion Strawberries over the weekend!  That was a wonderful surprise and I think it added to the success of the weekend.

A new addition to the kids play area this year is Tetherball! It was so sweet to see families out there playing and teaching their young ones a game that has a special place in a lot of our memories.  I am still a young one myself but I do remember playing Tetherball often in Elementary School.  If you feel you need a little activity in your weekend, this is the place to go!

We have a handful of new team members working at the Farm Store this year so you'll have to familiarize yourself with them. They are awesome. :)  It is going to be a wonderful season!!!!

Next Up: 
We'll have HOOD STRAWBERRIES this coming weekend... now the fun is really going to start!  U-Pick is also open for Hood Strawberries as well as the Albion Strawberries.

If you haven't seen the Farm Store and all its beauty.... this picture should help....

Come out and visit us:
Tues-Sat 9:00-6:00
Sunday 11:00-4:00
34880 SW Johnson School Rd.
Cornelius, Or 97113

Live, Laugh and Buy Local!